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Standard cost accounting Wikipedia

standard cost accounting

One view sees standard cost as a special type of cost that is used for comparison. In this sense, a standard cost is something that is established as a rule or basis of comparison in measuring or judging a quantity, quality, or value. It provides criteria that can be used to evaluate and compare the operating performance of executives.

standard cost accounting

Standard cost accounting, topics

It takes a business’s financials notes payable vs accounts payable and presents them in a way that showcases how it’s doing in terms of assets, liabilities and shareholders’ equity. Someone on our team will connect you with a financial professional in our network holding the correct designation and expertise. This team of experts helps Finance Strategists maintain the highest level of accuracy and professionalism possible. The articles and research support materials available on this site are educational and are not intended to be investment or tax advice. All such information is provided solely for convenience purposes only and all users thereof should be guided accordingly.

standard cost accounting

The core reason for using standard costs is that there are a number of applications where it is too time-consuming to collect actual costs, so standard costs are used as a close approximation to actual costs. DenimWorks purchases its denim from a local supplier with terms of net 30 days, FOB destination. This means that title to the denim passes from the supplier to DenimWorks when DenimWorks receives the material. Any difference between the standard cost of the material and the actual cost of the material received is recorded as a purchase price variance. The setting up of standard costs requires the consideration of quantities, price or rates, and qualities or grades for each element of cost that enters a product (i.e., materials, labor, and overheads).

A term used with standard costs to report a difference sales forecasting methodologies that will help you predict the future and grow your revenue between actual costs and standard costs. Standard costing (and the related variances) is a valuable management tool. If a variance arises, it tells management that the actual manufacturing costs are different from the standard costs.

(In a food manufacturer’s business the direct materials are the ingredients such as flour and sugar; in an automobile assembly plant, the direct materials are the cars’ component parts). Cost-accounting systems, and the techniques that are used with them, can have a high start-up cost to develop and implement. Training accounting staff and managers in new accounting systems takes time and effort, and mistakes may be made early on. Higher-skilled accountants and auditors are likely to charge more for their services when evaluating a cost-accounting system. Our team of reviewers are established professionals with decades of experience in areas of personal finance and hold many advanced degrees and certifications. Classification or grouping of accounts is essential for standard costing.


Within an organization, there are several objectives that a standard costing system may be established to help achieve. Standard costing techniques have been applied successfully in all industries that produce standardized products or follow process costing methods. In ICMA’s definition of standard cost, the phrase “management’s standards of efficient operation” is important.

This type of standard costing believes the perfect condition when there is no interruption and wastage during production. They believe that there is no machine breakdown, worker tea break, or any error in the production process. Therefore, the production will be able to maximize their capacity which almost impossible to happen in real life. Historical costs are costs whereby materials and labor may be allocated based on past experience. Predetermined costs are computed in advance on basis of factors affecting cost elements. Essentially, standard costing is a technique of cost calculation and control.

Classification and Codification of Accounts

They are projections that are rarely revised or updated to reflect changes in products, prices, and methods. A standard is essentially an expression of quantity, whereas a standard cost is its monetary expression (i.e., quantity multiplied by price). As the name suggests, it bases on the assumption of the basic nature of company business over a long period of time.

In a standard costing system, the standard costs of the manufacturing activities will be recorded in the inventories and the cost of goods sold accounts. Since the company must pay its vendors and production workers the actual costs incurred, there are likely to be some differences. The differences between the standard costs and the actual manufacturing costs are referred to as cost variances and will be recorded in separate variance accounts. Any balance in a variance account indicates that the company is deviating from the amounts in its profit plan. Rather than assigning the actual costs of direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead to a product, some manufacturers assign the expected or standard costs. This means that a manufacturer’s inventories and cost of goods sold will begin with amounts that reflect the standard costs, not the actual costs, of a product.

Which of these is most important for your financial advisor to have?

  1. The inventory system where purchases are debited to the inventory account and the inventory account is credited at the time of each sale for the cost of the goods sold.
  2. For information pertaining to the registration status of 11 Financial, please contact the state securities regulators for those states in which 11 Financial maintains a registration filing.
  3. If a variance arises, it tells management that the actual manufacturing costs are different from the standard costs.
  4. If it determines the actual costs are lower than expected, the variance is favorable.
  5. When cost accounting was developed in the 1890s, labor was the largest fraction of product cost and could be considered a variable cost.

The normal cost will be used over a period of time, usually the business cycle of the company. It bases on the average between the highest and lowest production over the cycle. The company expects that the cost will not change over the full cycle. This method tended to slightly distort the resulting unit cost, but in mass-production industries that made one product line, and where the fixed costs were relatively low, the distortion was very minor. Note that the entire price variance pertaining to all of the direct materials received was recorded immediately (as opposed to waiting until the materials were used). Direct materials are the raw materials that are directly traceable to a product.

Under ABC, the trinkets are assigned more overhead costs related to labor and the widgets are assigned more overhead costs related to machine use. While financial accounting presents information for external sources to review, cost accounting is often used by management within a company to aid in decision-making. Cost accounting can be beneficial as a tool to help management with budgeting. It can also be used to set up cost-control programs, with the goal of improving net margins for the company in the future. Overheads are costs that relate to ongoing business expenses that are not directly attributed to creating products or services. Office staff, utilities, the maintenance and repair of equipment, supplies, payroll taxes, depreciation of machinery, rent and mortgage payments and sales staff are all considered overhead costs.

Financial accounting presents a company’s financial position and performance to outside investors and creditors through financial statements, which include information about its revenues, expenses, assets, and liabilities. By automating it with cost accounting software, you can save time and money. NetSuite is one example of software that offers cost accounting capabilities. It’s versatile, customizable and integrates easily with a variety of other tools your business may already be using.

What is the Process of Standard Costing?

Management can then direct its attention to the cause of the differences from the planned amounts. Since the company’s external financial statements must reflect the historical cost principle, the standard costs in the inventories and the cost of goods sold will need to be adjusted for the variances. Since most of the goods manufactured will have been sold, most of the variances will end up as part of the cost of goods sold. Cost accounting is helpful because it can identify where a company is spending its money, how much it earns, and where money is being lost. Cost accounting aims to report, analyze, and improve internal cost controls and efficiency. Even though companies cannot use cost-accounting figures in their financial statements (or for tax purposes), they are important for internal controls.

When using lean accounting, traditional costing methods are replaced by value-based pricing and lean-focused performance measurements. Financial decision-making is based on the impact on the company’s total value stream profitability. Value streams are the profit centers of a company; a profit center is any branch or division that directly adds to a company’s bottom-line profitability. Assessing the difference between the standard—most efficient—cost and the actual cost incurred is called variance analysis. If the variance analysis determines that actual costs are higher than expected, the variance is unfavorable. If it determines the actual costs are lower than expected, the variance is favorable.

Курс PM онлайн DAO PM: управление проектами в IT, проектный менеджмент

Да, можно по предварительной договоренности с организаторами курса. Условия разделения платежей обсуждаются индивидуально для каждого конкретного случая. Знания подкрепляются примерами и кейсами из реальной практики лектора.

Освоите основы UX-дизайна и сможете проводить дизайн-ревью продукта. Обладают систематизированными знаниями об управлении проектами, основанными на PMBOK, Agile-манифест и SCRUM Guide. Менеджеры, которые уже управляют проектами в ИТ, но испытывают нехватку или несистемность теоретических знаний. Курс завершается защитой учебного проекта и прохождением теста по материалам курса. Первый модуль курса посвящен обзору основных тем стандарта PMBoK с акцентом на практическое их применение. Этот модуль заканчивается предварительным ревью учебных проектов, а также разбором реальных кейсов из практики ПМ-ов.

Фотографии курса mini mba:

Управление проектами предоставляет организациям (и отдельным лицам) язык и рамки для определения масштабов проектов, определения последовательности действий, использования ресурсов и минимизации рисков. Это вводный курс по ключевым концепциям планирования и реализации проектов. Цели и подходы к автоматизации управления проектами. Разновидности программного обеспечения для управления проектами.

курсы Менеджер проектов

Курсы Project Management − отличный способ для получения новой профессии в сфере IT. Когда компания получает новый заказ, начинает работать РМ. Для данного специалиста характерен контакт с клиентами и сотрудниками компании. Эта специальность является очень ответственной должностью. На первое время кажется, что для этого необходимо владеть лишь коммуникативными навыками, однако с практической стороны это серьезная, ответственная и интересная профессия. Даже в сфере технологий огромное значение имеет умение настраивать процессы и взаимодействовать с людьми.

Курсы менеджер проектов в Харькове

Никаких экзаменов и тестов при поступлении сдавать не нужно. Разберётесь в механизмах и подходах для эффективной реализации задач. Компьютерная курсы проджект менеджера Академия IT STEP – полноценное IT-образование‎ для взрослых и детей. Авторские методики, преподаватели-практики, 100% практических занятий.

  • Интеграция иерархической структуры продукта и работ с матрицей ответственности проектной команды и структурой затрат.
  • После видеолекции вы узнаете, что нужно для запуска проекта.
  • Менеджер проектов делает все возможное, чтобы ПО полностью соответствовало ожиданиям клиента и было разработано в оговоренные сроки.
  • Занимается созданием сообщества SAFe Ukraine, организовывает встречи ITKaiZenClub, докладчик конференций по управлению проектами, бизнес-анализу и продуктовому менеджменту.
  • Настоящий Senior PM готов отвечать за качество, сроки и, конечно, за бюджет.
  • Мы составляем программу так, чтобы курс был полезен и практикующим PM, и новичкам, которые впервые слышат о такой профессии.

Учимся создавать структуру проекта и разбивать работу на блоки. После видеолекции вы научитесь создавать окружение под проект в Jira. Разберетесь, как трекать время и планировать нагрузку для команды. Узнаем, как контролировать команду на проекте и отслеживать эффективность ведения проекта.

Обучение на проектного менеджера за границей

Знают и умеют применять на практике методы и методики оценки, планирования, бюджетирования, контроля проекта. Менеджеры, которые уже управляют проектами в ИТ, но желают расширить практический инструментарий. На основании отзывов учеников, которые мы собираем у каждого после обучения, составляются рейтинги учебных заведений, чтобы помочь другим при выборе курсов.

курсы Менеджер проектов

Менеджер проектов делает все возможное, чтобы ПО полностью соответствовало ожиданиям клиента и было разработано в оговоренные сроки. Если серьезно, то рroject-manager — это специалист, который управляет проектом в целом. Инструменты проектного менеджмента, представленные в программе, опираются как на фундаментальные принципы управления, так и на актуальные концепции, как Lean, Six Sigma, Agile, Business Excellence и другие. Курс вооружает менеджеров и бизнес-профессионалов знаниями, пониманием и навыками управления проектами с использованием интеграционных концепций, инструментов и методов. Курс рассчитан на новичков и не требует технических знаний по программированию или дизайну.

Автор публикаций по вопросам бюджетирования, импортно-экспортных операций, управления финансовыми потоками компаний, планирования и бюджетирования в рамках контролинга. По завершении обучения и по итогам аттестации слушателям курса выдается диплом Mini MBA Международной Академии Бизнеса и Информационных Технологий (МАБИТ).Образец диплома можно увидеть здесь. Он уже чрезвычайно востребован и сейчас становится популярным у нас, ведь многие компании стремятся к выходу на международный уровень и им нужны специалисты, которые наладят рабочий процесс на должном уровне.

В сфере IT документы о получении профильного образования значат не так много – гораздо большее значение имеют реальные навыки, а также то, какую пользу специалист может принести организации. На курсе ты научишься управлять IT-проектами, Agile-командами и сможешь работать Junior Project Manager в IT или Digital. Изучаем инструменты, которые помогают достичь целей заказчика. А также попробуем собрать идеальную команду проекта, учитывая компетенции и личностные качества специалистов. Современный рынок труда крайне нуждается в профессиональных менеджерах проектов, особенно в сфере IT.

Готовы начать обучение?

Кроме того, это обучение даст вам часы, которые нужны для допуска к экзамену на получение сертификата CAPM® . Имя и Фамилия Телефон Подписанием и отправкой этой заявки я подтверждаю, что я ознакомлен с Политикой конфиденциальности и принимаю её условия, включая регламентирующие обработку моих персональных данных, и согласен с ней. Я даю своё согласие на обработку персональных данных в соответствии с данной Политикой конфиденциальности. После занятий вы получаете практическое задание для отработки полученных знаний. Задания могут быть разными, поэтому на выполнение каждой работы дается от 5-ти дней, или больше.

Фармацевтическое образование за границей

Во время курса, в первую очередь, вы получите базовые знания для ведения IT-проектов. Кроме базы, вы сможете подробнее узнать, как должен работать Project Manager и что нужно сделать, чтобы проект был успешным. В первую очередь, он должен знать основные принципы управления командой, должен уметь организовать работу так, чтобы точно выполнить все требования заказчика и важно – правильно распорядиться бюджетом. PM должен быть ответственным человеком, следить за качеством и общаться с клиентом. Курс сбалансирован между технологическими вопросами проектного менеджмента и психологическими – лидерство, образование команд, стресс-менеджмент и конструктивный выход из конфликтов. Окончив Project Manager курсы в ITEA, можно отправить резюме в желаемую компанию.

Если вы хотите погрузиться в IT в большей степени, то рекомендуем курсы тестировщиков или же курсы верстки. Создание учебной программы требует не только знания предмета – управления проектами, но и понимания психологии взрослых людей и принципов их обучения. Также, для достижения максимального эффекта от обучения, необходимо правильно сочетать баланс теории и практики, что является наиболее сложным в любом учебном курсе. Исключительно эмпирические или теоретические программы не дают полного комплекса знаний и навыков и заставляют слушателя лично совершать ошибки, которых можно было бы избежать при сбалансированной структуре программы.

вы научитесь за 2,5 месяца

Существует множество направлений, которые помогут вам повысить уровень ваших знаний и навыков. Если вы уже занимаетесь предпринимательской деятельностью и намерены активно развивать бизнес онлайн, вам понадобится свой сайт. Стабильную работу обеспечивает безопасный хостинг, уникальность вашего веб-ресурса — классный домен, а дополнительную защиту — SSL-сертификат. 5 взаимосвязанных курсов от Colorado State University, направленных на освоение навыков гибкого лидерства. Можно зарегистрироваться только на один курс по выбору. Домашнее задание и тест предусмотрены по каждой теме курса.

Правильно настроенный процесс в работе над проектом и устранение “шумов “в коммуникациях между всей коммандой и заинтересованными лицами – ваш ключ к успеху. Если вы не настроите процесс так, чтобы общение было удобным и результативным в проекте будут не закрытые задачи, которые останутся нерешенными. Вы сможете отмечать уже выполненные задачи и время затраченное на ее выполненияе и все это в одной таблице, которая является одним из важных софтов в работе над проектом. Не знание как работать и взаимодействовать с командой, может привести к плохим отношением с человеком из команды и не полной отдаче в работе и как следствие к не выполнению плана проекта.

Стать менеджером проектов отличный способ самореализации и приобретения опыта, который очень пригодится в жизни, даже если вы со временем поменяете направление своей деятельности. По сути, основные задачи любого PM (сокращенно от Project Manager) сводятся к тому, чтобы реализовать идею клиента в установленные сроки, располагая существующими https://deveducation.com/ ресурсами, иными словами, он отвечает за успех проекта. Освоить основы Project Management можно на бесплатных и платных курсах. Выбирайте наиболее подходящий — и изучайте новую профессию и запускайте свой бизнес. Курс по искусству управления разных видов проектов, изучению особенностей работы с клиентами и командой.

Определим методологию управления для своего проекта. Опишем структуру команды и бюджет для своего проекта. Рассчитаем стоимость проекта с использованием разных инструментов. Рассчитаем пути и найдем резервы для отдельных задач проекта. Для многих для эффективного ведения проектов не хватает понимания методологии. 7 лет руководит большими коммерческими проектами по IT разработке.

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This is because you can setup your forex robots on the VPS and let them run 24/7 without needing your computer switched on. This can save on ever increasing energy costs whilst you don’t need to worry about where your computer is or if it has run out of battery. If you are not trading that frequently and just looking for the convenience of having your forex platform hosted remotely, then really any forex VPS from a reputable provider should be sufficient. To qualify for the FP Markets free forex VPS, you just need to reach a minimum deposit target and trade enough volume each month. If you do achieve these minimum amounts then they will be more than happy to cover your monthly subscription fee with the Liquidity Connect dedicated VPS provider.

What are the Benefits of Using Forex VPS in Trading?

If you’re just dipping your toes into the trading waters, our premium plans are like a warm cup of cocoa on a chilly day. They’ve got the right mix of computing mojo and equilibrium to help you with trading. If you’ve ever been interested in Forex trading, you have probably heard of MT4 or Meta Trader 4. It’s an electronic trading platform released way back in 2005. Security must be very high on your priority list, especially when we’re talking about trading with what could be a significant amount of money. The steps you’ll need to take to secure your Forex VPS depend on the type of server you have.

By taking these factors into account, you can ensure that you choose a VPS service that meets your specific technical requirements and provides the best possible trading experience. A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a virtual machine that provides users with a dedicated environment for running applications, effectively serving as a virtual server. The hardware that powers a VPS is situated in a data center, and unlike shared hosting, virtual private servers do not share resources with other sites. VPS hosting also offers increased security for forex traders, as the server is located in a secure data center with backup power supplies, firewalls, and other security measures.

Key Considerations in Selecting a Forex VPS

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Put simply, a VPS works independently – just as a real computer does. It can be tailored to your individual needs and offers both security and flexibility. Hopefully by now you have a clear understanding of what a forex VPS is and how they work.

Step 2: Configuring Remote Access

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Another way you can get a forex VPS is from directly within your trading platform. Some forex platforms such as MetaTrader 5 (MT5) come with a built-in VPS. I much prefer to have a separate forex VPS as it feels less restricted. With a standalone Day trading degree virtual private server, you can run different trading platforms and even other software that isn’t related to forex trading. These servers provide essential hosting services that remain reliable even during critical moments. With access to crucial resources of VPS, you can confidently execute your trades.

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It means you can carry on trading without missing out on opportunities. Lastly, failing to monitor the performance of your VPS can lead to a variety of issues, such as slow server response times, high server load, and poor website performance. These issues can adversely affect the performance of your trading software, causing increased latency and potentially leading to slippage. A Forex VPS provides hosting service on the cloud from which your trading applications run, thereby guaranteeing optimal performance and dependability. The data centre location is another factor to be aware of. If your forex VPS is located on one side of the world but your forex broker has server on the opposite side, that wouldn’t be ideal.

What is vps service in forex?

Pretty much everyone has heard of the term Forex, but not that many people know what it really means. It’s a decentralized market where banks, financial institutions, and people trade international currencies and cryptocurrencies. Discover the factors causing volatility and how you can harness market fluctuations in your favour to better take advantage of large market moves covering the financial markets. The cost of this VPS subscription is USD $10.00 per month payable through an MQL5 account. You can register for the VPS through the MT4 platform by right-clicking on your account within the Navigator panel. Although several VPS are created on one computer, they each have their own set amount of CPU power and space so you’re guaranteed what you need and signed up for every month.

  1. You need a forex VPS if you don’t trade using a trading bot, even if it’s for the sole reason of fast trade execution.
  2. They install an electronic trading platform of their choice and either manage their portfolios manually or set up robots/EAs to follow their automated trading strategies.
  3. A forex VPS is basically another computer that you can access remotely form your computer using unique login details.
  4. Expert advisors require a stable and high-performing environment to operate effectively, which is exactly what a VPS provides.
  5. Our data centers feature dedicated servers and triple simultaneous storage (a solution akin to RAID systems), fast NvME SSDs, that can scale bandwidth based on your needs.
  6. They allow you to select different RAM, SSD sizes, and or even bandwidth.

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By choosing a reputable VPS provider like ForexVPS.net, you can ensure that you receive the highest level of service and support, ensuring a smooth and seamless trading experience. Additionally, compatibility with multiple trading platforms enables you to diversify your trading strategies and take advantage of different market opportunities. It’s important to ensure that the VPS service you choose is compatible with your preferred trading platform, such as MetaTrader 4 or 5. This will allow you to seamlessly integrate your trading software with the VPS, ensuring a smooth and efficient trading experience. Assume you’re trading from your personal computer as usual, for instance.

My Personal Recovery Story

recovery from drug addiction process

Dr. Curl is the Medical Director and primary on-site provider for First Steps Recovery. He is a Board Certified Internist and Addiction Medicine Specialist having attended the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and completing his residency at Mount Auburn Hospital with Harvard Medical School. Following several years work as an internist and physiatrist (physical medicine and rehabilitation).

The Stages of Change

recovery from drug addiction process

While our cultural psyche tends to default to a clinical recovery pathway involving some kind of mix of rehab and/or AA—which can be lifesaving—in fact, many recover without using any external services. Others make use of medications, and still others recover with religious or spiritual guidance. Each person’s timeline for recovery varies based on their unique needs, substance use history, and life circumstances. However, recovery can be thought of in 4 primary phases that include withdrawal, early, middle, and late phases of recovery. Employment is virtually essential for having a stable and meaningful life.

recovery from drug addiction process

Potential vaccines for addiction to substances

  • Employment is virtually essential for having a stable and meaningful life.
  • The impact of addiction extends beyond mental health, affecting relationships, employment, and overall quality of life.
  • Tragically, in the media and mainstream society we hear much more about the dramatic and fiery wreckage of active addiction and relapse than we do about quiet, inspired, and inspiring stories of long-term recovery.

If you or a loved one are experiencing drug tolerance and dependence, it’s crucial to consult healthcare providers for a tailored treatment plan. This could involve tapering off the medication under supervision, engaging in cognitive-behavioral therapy, or potentially using medications like methadone or buprenorphine for opioid tolerance and dependency. The maintenance stage is the fifth stage of the Transtheoretical Model of Change published by Prochaska JO, Velicer WF in their 1997 research study. In this stage, individuals have successfully modified their addictive behavior and are focused on maintaining their progress over the long term.

Stage 4: The Action Stage

It’s up to each individual to decide when to begin “working the steps,” and when to approach a sponsor. Your sponsor is meant to provide guidance, support, and understanding during the steps process. Different types of medications may be useful at different stages of treatment to help a patient stop abusing drugs, stay in treatment, and avoid relapse. While relapse is a normal part of recovery, for some drugs, it can be very dangerous—even deadly. If a person uses as much of the drug as they did before quitting, they can easily overdose because their bodies are no longer adapted to their previous level of drug exposure. An overdose happens when the person uses enough of a drug to produce uncomfortable feelings, life-threatening symptoms, or death.

How to Find Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Near Me

recovery from drug addiction process

The preparation stage is all about setting yourself up for success. Take your time here, be thorough, and remember that good preparation can make all the difference in your recovery journey. It’s not uncommon for people to get stuck here, caught in a loop of wanting to change but feeling unable to move forward.

  • Drug addiction often disrupts the brain’s dopamine system, which involves motivation, reward, and pleasure.
  • If you are addicted to alcohol, pills, or illegal drugs, the first step toward recovery is detox.
  • Helping a person recovering from an addiction can come down to helping them connect to treatment—if they’re not already doing so—and encouraging support groups like AA.
  • Studies show that craving for alcohol peaks at 60 days of abstinence.
  • If you believe it’s your best option, get a doctor to review your situation and approve the plan before you start.

Explore your addiction treatment options

After completing a formal treatment program, individuals often receive an after-care plan tailored to their specific needs. This plan may include ongoing therapy, support group participation, and regular check-ins with healthcare professionals. Consistently following this plan provides structure and guidance, helping individuals navigate the challenges that may arise post-treatment. As you seek help for drug addiction, it’s also important to get treatment for any other medical or psychological issues you’re experiencing.

Whether through individual or group therapy, medication-assisted treatment, or holistic interventions, tailoring the approach to the individual’s circumstances enhances the effectiveness of addiction recovery efforts. Understanding the dynamic nature of addiction, harm reduction aligns with the idea that relapses may occur and should be viewed as opportunities successful drug addicts for learning and adjustment rather than as failures. By adopting harm reduction strategies, individuals gain the tools to make healthier choices, manage risks, and gradually work towards minimizing the impact of substance use on their lives. Science indicates that triggers such as people, places, things, moods, and drug exposure play significant roles.


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